Goodbye Box 2 Media – hello Inkwell

Today we’re excited to introduce our new name and brand. Here’s why we decided it was time for us to change.

When Box 2 Media started, the name was inspired by a productivity tool called the Eisenhower Matrix. Box two in the matrix is for important tasks that aren’t urgent. The goal was to create space for entrepreneurs to think about long-term, strategic plans. 

We’d recently taken over startup competition The Pitch, so this idea of helping entrepreneurs work effectively seemed like a good fit.

Like every other new business, Box 2 Media was small and scrappy. Our brand identity was created in an afternoon; our website in a few days. We worked out of living rooms and cafés. 

Over the last three years, Box 2 Media has evolved into a different company. We’ve become more sure about the content we want to create, the people we want to write for and the business we want to be – but our brand identity hasn’t evolved with us.

What changed about us

Every time we introduced ourselves, the Box 2 Media brand felt like putting on a pair of jeans that were two sizes too small. No matter how we twisted and turned, we’d outgrown it.

First, our mission had become more focused than the nebulous one we started with. Supporting small businesses is still our primary motivator. But it wasn’t just about strategic thinking and events. 

Our content marketing services have taken a central role – we write hundreds of thousands of words every year – and support business owners with every kind of challenge.

Second, the Box brand didn’t reflect the work we were producing. We’d gone from writing a handful of articles a week to running expansive projects with a team of writers, designers, photographers and videographers. 

Finally, our monochromatic brand restricted how creative we could be. Believe us – nothing looks good with #990066.

It was time for something new.

Introducing Inkwell

The rebrand aimed to bring together all the elements that make us “us”, but it was also important that it gave us the space to grow. 

Our content is always changing to reflect the needs and challenges of small businesses. We didn’t want our visual identity to feel like an albatross slung around our necks in three years’ time. It had to be able to evolve with us.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll share a bit more about the process we used to rebrand. For now, I’ll just leave a short explanation of why we chose the name Inkwell.

When we decided to come up with a new company name, we realised it could be anything. Anything. The choice paralysis is real when you attempt to pick a company name from all the words in the English language – and we looked at Nordic words too.

Eventually, when our talented designer Kai stepped in to add process to the madness, we settled on Inkwell almost immediately for two reasons.

The first reason is that we connected with the precision demanded by inkwells. There’s pressure to get it right the first time when you’re writing in ink. While we have the benefit of the backspace key, we try to put a similar amount of thought and preparation into our work.

The second reason is that we loved the feel and visuals of the word. It’s reminiscent of a writer in a small cottage in the English countryside – fireplace crackling, dog snoozing on the floor, rain pelting against the window – sitting at a desk and putting ink to paper.

The word ‘Inkwell’ exudes warmth and a genuine love of the messy, exasperating, rewarding process of writing – something that sits at the core of our business.

Kat Haylock

Inkwell head of content. A big fan of books, dogs and anyone who has snacks.


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